9AM | Slavic Service
11AM | English Service
Check in Your Children:
Our Sunday kids program is the perfect place for children from birth to grade 5. The staff and volunteers create a safe, fun atmosphere in which children can learn Bible stories and participate in age-appropriate worship. If you're having trouble locating the appropriate place for your child, just ask an usher or greeter, and they will direct you.
Get Settled:
At House of the Gospel, you'll notice a casual atmosphere, and people of all ages and walks of life. A greeter will give you a program, which includes church announcements and a note-taking sheet for the message. Enjoy coffee and pastries in the lobby beginning at 8:30a.m and again at 10:30am. An usher can direct you to seats in the worship center - or, you may sit wherever you are most comfortable. Once you are seated, look at the screens to get an idea of upcoming events and opportunities for House of the Gospel attenders.
This time is set aside for communicating with God from our hearts. Our worship team will lead us in about 17 minutes of upbeat, contemporary songs of celebration, as well as more intimate songs of worship. Everyone worships in his or her own way. For many, that means singing and clapping along, or raising their hands to God, or for others it means quietly reflecting on the words. You're welcome to do whatever makes you feel most comfortable.
This is a time to announce upcoming events, activities, and happenings at HOTG.
Every weekend, our pastor gives a relevant, straightforward message that is based on Scripture, and is designed to be helpful in your everyday life. These messages will help you develop a growing, vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ, and apply biblical teaching to your own life.
Every first Sunday of the month, we partake in communion together. This is an opportunity for the Lord to purify us as we examine our hearts. The juice and bread that we share represent the life he gave up so that our sins could be forgiven. Communion is for believers: those who accepted Christ, have been baptized and are in a good standing as a church member. Guest are welcome to partake in communion, too.
After the service, if you want someone to pray for you, please head to the front of the sanctuary. We have prayer partners that would love to pray for your needs!
House of the Gospel's regular attenders give an offering. As a guest, there is no need for you to give. This is an act of worship for our regular attenders, allowing them to thank God for all of the great work He is doing in their lives. It also gives House of the Gospel the means to reach more people for Christ in the future. You can give online or drop off your offerings at any of the collection boxes located at the entrances/exits.
Stay for Refreshments:
Every Sunday following our service refreshments are served for our attendees. We would love to have you stay for this time as this is a great time for you to get to know us and also we can get to know you.
Get More Information:
If you are a newcomer we welcome you and hope you feel entirely at home. Be sure and check out the "Information Desk" in the foyer to see our many resources and to find what House of the Gospel has to offer you. You can also speak to our greeters at the entrance or fill out a connect card. We would love to get to know you.
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