“Defend the poor and the orphan; uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute.

Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the grasp of evil people.” Psalm 82:3-4

Pastor Jonah – Mid India

Since 1998, Jonah is serving with the MICM among the Unreached People Groups in the highly persecuted area of India.

India's Harsh Realities

  • World’s largest population of over 1,458,315,000 & growing.
  • 95.3% of India’s population is  Unreached.
  • India is a country with the largest number of People Groups:
    2,272 People Groups in India (Joshua Project),
  • 2,041 (89.8%) of India's People Groups are Unreached!
  • Main Religion: Hinduism with over 33,000,000 gods & deities.
  • India is a home to Extreme Poverty and Social Injustices.
  • India is currently #11 on the list of Highly Persecuted Nations, according to the World Watch List.
  • Despite rising persecution and social and economic difficulties, the Annual Evangelical Growth Rate is 3.9%!

Mid India Mission, established in 1969, exists to Transform Lives through the Love of Jesus Christ throughout India and beyond. Mid India’s efforts are focused on these areas: Evangelism, Empowerment, Education, Social Programs, and Child Sponsorship.

* Because of the high persecution of Christians in India, we cannot post any photos of our workers and share their location. All names are changed for their protection.

For more information visit

Pastor Jonah

My name is Jonah (name changed), I am married, my wife and I have three children. We live in a poor village located near the large city in West India. Most people here live in small mud huts… 

I was baptized in 1992. My father was the village Preacher, and he worked diligently with much dedication but always faced opposition from people and lived in poverty. So it never attracted me to become a preacher. In fact, I was leading a worldly life… Once I got really sick and was suffering from a very high fever which was not coming down for 10 days. So when my parents were crying and doing fasting prayer, I too said to Jesus, if You will heal me from this completely and quickly then I will serve You full time. The very next day my fever broke and I was healed. 

Since that day I gave myself fully in the hands of my Lord Jesus to be used according to His will. That incident transformed my life and destiny. I went to Bible School and received one year of Bible training. In 1998 I started my ministry with the Lord for His kingdom. This journey has not been easy, there were many ups and downs, but Jesus never left me nor did I leave Him or ignore His calling.

I like to reach the unreached people groups. So as long I live, until my last breath, I will serve the Lord. I want to reach the marginalized people of society, the poor, orphans, and widows, and when they get uplifted by the love and grace of Jesus and follow Him, that is the greatest joy of my life.

Prayer Needs

The Ministry of Mid India is Dependent on Your Prayers!!

  • Pray for safety of all our workers and their families, and for courage for them to do their job despite of persecution.

  • Pray for those who persecute us.

  • Pray for every group of believers to stay faithful.
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